Your Goalie Partner

Dealing with a Situation were the Goalie Partner is Getting the Majority of the Big Starts

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Dealing with a Situation were the Goalie Partner is Getting the Majority of the Big Starts

Handling the situation where your goalie partner gets the majority of the big starts can be challenging for a goaltender. Here are a few ways a goaltender can manage this situation:

Communicate with the Coach:

It’s important to have open and honest communication with the coach, discussing your concerns and asking for feedback on how to deal with this situation. It’s not easy but it make the coach recognize he needs to support you, your part of his team and it’s his responsibility to guide you through this challenge.

Keep Working Hard:

Continue to work diligently in practices and games, even if you’re not getting as many starts as you would like. This will demonstrate to the coach that you’re dedicated and ready to play when called upon. Your attitude to improvement must be recognized through your efforts and self-training support systems that Smarter Goalie provides.

Stay Positive:

Maintaining a positive attitude and mindset, even in the face of challenges, is crucial. Focus on the progress you’re making and the things you can control. Your hard work supported by your support program will instill the patience you need to grow and prove yourself when the opportunity presents itself.

Learn from Your Partner:

Observe your partner’s performances, not in a critical or detrimental way rather to gain an understanding of what makes them successful. As you learn the fundamentals in the 5 Skill Categories your knowledge base and skill level will level the playing field giving your team two choices rather than one. It’s a learning and developmental process you’re in, so Learn Smart and Play Smart.

Be a Team Player: Be a supportive and encouraging teammate, cheering for your partner and helping them prepare for games.

Seek Feedback:

Ask for feedback from the coach on ways to improve your performance, and take constructive criticism to heart.

Seek Help if Needed:

If feeling overwhelmed or struggling with the situation, seek help from a therapist or counselor to help you cope with the stress and disappointment.

By handling the situation professionally and positively, a goaltender can demonstrate to the coach their commitment to the team and their willingness to work hard to improve and contribute to the team’s success.

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