How to Self-Compete

Competing with Your Self Techiques

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Competing with Your Self Techiques

A goaltender must learn to compete with themselves in positive ways by developing a mindset and approach that focuses on goal setting, personal growth, self-awareness and self-determination.

This can be achieved through the following examples:

Setting Goals:

Setting specific and measurable goals for themselves, and regularly reviewing and adjusting those goals to ensure they are challenging yet achievable. This process builds confidence and self-assurance in oneself.

Reflecting on Performance:

Reflecting on their performance after each game or practice, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, and identifying areas and patterns for improvement. Monitoring, analyzing and scrutinizing oneself in a positive manner with guidance and support for your development path is a formula for success.

Using Visualization:

Using visualization techniques to mentally rehearse using your personal high-light reels, imaging game situations in which you’re making smart decisions, reading the play focused on the puck and the players options. See the details, see yourself in sync with the moment.


Using positive self-talk to boost confidence and focus. It’s not uncommon to have two voices in your head, one that causes “self-doubt”, self-criticizing, self-destruction. This voice is to be recognized and stopped immediately as it will fester and mess with your head. The other voice supports and guides you in a confident, self-directed attitude that fosters a “YOU Can Attitude”. Think Smart Play Smart.  Ignore the negative voices and ONLY allow the supportive, positive inner voice that is your higher sell an only has good intentions for you.


Practicing mindfulness to stay focused on the present moment and avoid getting caught up in past mistakes or future worries. Stay balanced in your judgment towards yourself as it will be a cornerstone of your success. Think Smart Play Smart.


Developing self-awareness by regularly monitoring your emotions and thoughts, and learning to manage them effectively.

Create an attitude where you support yourself in positive ways, look to your support system to assure you, look within and build that attitude of success, of progress, of learning about yourself to set higher goals.

Positive Attitude:

Maintaining a positive attitude, even in the face of challenges, and focusing on progress and improvement is the road to success. A positive approach rather than a negative approach is clearly recognized if you’re completely honest with yourself. Who do you have to be most honest with?

Continuous Learning:

Seeking out new information and learning opportunities to enhance your skills and understanding of the game is growing and expanding. Never stop learning, asking questions, being curious and above all lean on your support never be ashamed to ask or question.

By developing this mindset and approach, goalies can learn to compete with themselves in positive ways, focusing on their own progress and improvement, and becoming more self-aware and resilient players.

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