Welcome To

Six Decades Strong

Smarter Goalie

Think Smart Play Smart


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Smarter Goalie is dedicated to helping organizations build character, self-esteem and confidence through “Proven Teaching Systems” .

With Six Decades of experience in developing training systems, we emphasize the importance of mastering the 5 Skill Categories with a simple “OnLine and On Ice” systematic approach to the learning experience.

Our approach encourages and establishes “Self-Evaluation and Self-Training Skills” , empowering young goalies to take ownership of their development with our support systems to guide them every step of the journey and achieve the highest standards of performance.

By integrating our Proven Teaching Methods and Support Systems your organization can foster a culture of success, building the leadership characteristics among your goaltending youth .

It takes a brief scheduled call or use of our hands-on approach in reviewing our info materials and selecting the option best suited to your team’s goals and budget or by answering and submitting our online questionnaire to help us select the right fit for your team.


Think Smart  Play Smart        Train Smart   Perform Smart

Organizations Questionnaire Link:

Organizations  Members Link:

Organizations Program Link:

Smarter Goalie Academy {SGA} Link:

Upgrade Link:

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Coming Events Links

  • Goalie Coach Article Library Link
  • Books Link
  • Video’s Link
  • Subscribe Button: for YouTube, TicToc, Instagram, X, LinkedIn,
  • Need an answer Link