Welcome To

Six Decades Strong

Smarter Goalie

Think Smart Play Smart


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Smarter Goalies is dedicated to providing exceptional support for parents who want the best for their aspiring goalies.

Our training systems, honed over “Six Decades” of research and development, are designed to simplify the learning experience and help your child master the “Fundamentals in the 5 Skill Categories” essential in building/educating a well rounded goalie, who’s knowledge and skill base will  far surpasses the competition in all. Our Teaching Systems produce AA and AAA caliber goalies who are consistently in the upper echelon of their respective leagues.

Through a step by step process we develop a “Baseline Student Profile”” getting acquainted with their knowledge base, how they see and understand  the position while beginning the transfer of knowledge and support systems to last a lifetime.

The “Proven Teaching Methods” have a clear target and achieve immediate impact on the students’ thinking process, like an onion the art of goaltending has many, many layers to it.

Smarter Goalie “OnLIne and On Ice” from day one this educational experience will advance the student to “Self-Evaluate” and “Self-Train’ through our continual support and guidance curriculums”.  enabling them to take charge of their own progress when professional support is absent.

With Smarter Goalie, you can be confident that your child is receiving the highest standard of education and support to reach their full potential. You see, I personally grew up in an era where there was no coaching. All self taught for the most part and flying by the seat of our pants.

It takes a brief scheduled call or use of our hands-on approach in reviewing our info materials and selecting the option best suited to your team’s goals and budget or by answering and submitting  our online questionnaire to help us select the right fit for your team.

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  • Parent Article Library Link
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