Welcome To

Six Decades Strong

Smarter Goalie

Think Smart Play Smart

Training Facility

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For Training Facilities Looking to Improve their Goaltending Programs Smarter Goalie offers a Turnkey Operation to enhance your operation and increase your bottom line. With Six Decades in the learning and development game, we have done our homework and understand what takes a program successful.

Smarter Goalie provides training facilities with a turnkey solution to elevate their goalie education programs. Our systems, backed by Six Decades of study, focus on the 5 Skill Categories and simplify the learning process in the core fundamentals, ensuring that your goalies receive a top-tier education and support program like no other.

Smarter Goalies Teaching Methods promote self-training and self-evaluative skills which empower the student, building character and self esteem. Goalies under our tuteledge learn rapidly ultimately achieving consistency in performance.

Implementing Smarter Goalies’ approach will not only improve your facility’s programming options in development and support but also enhance your reputation and bottom line by delivering exceptional results. We Guarantee It!

It takes a brief scheduled call or use of our hands-on approach in reviewing our info materials and selecting the option best suited to your team’s goals and budget or by answering and submitting our online questionnaire to help us select the right fit for your team.



Think Smart Play Smart         Train Smart Perform Smart

Training Facility Questionnaire Link:

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Smarter Goalie Academy {SGA} Link:

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  • Training Facility Article Library Link
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